Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Creating Memorable Moments

When you look back on your childhood, do you remember the day-to-day routine things you did? Or do you remember most clearly the times when you were on vacation, or other special events spent with family and friends?

For me, I remember the unique and special events we enjoyed as a family like our family vacations, Christmas Day at my grandparent’s house, and other similar events. I can barely recollect the routine of my childhood years. But the memories of times spent with my family camping in the shadow of Mt. Rainer in Washington, canoeing the Bowron Lakes in British Columbia, Canada, rafting the Tuolomne River out of Yosemite in California and many, many more hold very special places for me.

I have three older brothers and for the first time in probably 20 years or more we spent a week rafting together with our families in the summer of 2008. Usually there is something that doesn’t allow for all four of our families to make whatever rafting trip we have planned each year.

That year we decided to make it a more valuable memory by spending one of our evenings in camp gathered together and each brother shared how river rafting teaches life lessons. We also took this time to tell our dad how much we appreciated him and all he has done for us over the years. He turned 80 the following January and was still able to keep up with the rest of us on the river. We made sure to note how there is now a third generation that can guide a raft through world-class whitewater and what a great legacy he’s been able to establish.

Can you put a price tag on that kind of experience? No. But the real question is, “Are YOU making memories with your families and creating the kind of positive legacy that spans generations?” These kinds of opportunities rarely happen by chance. You will be able to create many more significant and lasting memories by planning for them and being determined to make sure they happen. I think it was Stephen R. Covey who said, “No one ever says on their deathbed that they wish they had spent more time at the office.” Step away from the “rat race” once in a while and do something significant and memorable with your family.

Children grow up way too fast. Wouldn’t it be nice in your later years to spend time with your grown children and their own families and reminisce about the great memories you’ve created with them over the years?

I recently read a short story about an older man going through some old papers and journals. He found a journal entry that said, “Spent the day fishing with my son, didn’t catch a thing. What a waste of time.” Then out of curiosity he compared that with a note his son had written on the same day that read, “Spent the day fishing with my dad. Best day of my life.”

Life isn’t really all about the acquisition of things, but the making of memories. If you aren’t creating memories on purpose yet, there’s no better time like the present to begin!

If you need help putting together a life plan that includes intentional planning for memorable moments, check out my website www.dtesuccess.com and look into the Life Well Lived Program offered there. Memorable moments rarely happen by default, at least not the ones you want to experience!

(C) DTE Consulting “Helping you Do The Extraordinary!”

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